Thursday, March 11, 2021


I’ve learned in zoom school that if the independent work task is something students need to record on Seesaw, then I need to be quiet.  Students have shared that they record my voice, not theirs.  We’ve gotten a laugh at my expense about talking too much and so I've worked on giving them quiet minutes when needed.   That said, I also want to be able to answer questions and help students during this independent work time.  We of course use breakout rooms but sometimes I feel that I need to stay with the whole class, so on occasion, I’ve taken to whispering.  Through zoom.

“Mrs Parks,” Peter whispered through the screen.

“Yes,” I answered in a whisper.

“Should I take a picture of my lesson?” 

“Yes,” I answered, both of us still whispering, “add a page at the end for the picture.”

“Ok, I’ll do that,” he whispered back, clearly enjoying having a conversation in whispers.

Peter gave me a thumbs up as Sam’s thumbnail lit up.

“Mrs. Parks,” whispered Sam.

“Yes?” I answered.

“Ummmm, I can hear you guys...,” he whispered informatively.

I don’t know if this sounds as funny as it was - the whole class, including Sam, giggled.  We weren’t whispering to tell a secret and of course he and the others could hear us.  It was so sweet.


  1. This is such a cute picture of a bonding experience. Everybody's trying to figure out how to live in this new normal and you've got to take time for a giggle along the way. :-)

  2. I can just hear it, as I read your dialogue. I agree- so sweet! And I think this is a good addition to the stories we can tell about this year of virtual teaching. Small moments are what makes it work or not.

  3. This is great! I love how the students are learning to work back and forth with you and each other. A whole new world in learning.

  4. I chuckled. I can picture and hear this conversation. Zoom class - so many stories.

  5. It's so good that something funny and bonding can come out of zoom that always seems so distancing and impersonal!

  6. First of all, how excited was I to see your name in the comments of slicers --- and then to see you have a blog!!! Whispering on Zoom...oh, that made me smile. I think if there are some features that Zoom could add, this would be a great one: a way to have a conversation with one student while muting your sound with others. Hmmmm, I wonder what other features we might add.....

    1. Cathy! Hi! I've wanted to join this challenge for years but was always anxious about the 'make a blog' part of it. But on Feb 28, I figured it out and am doing it. It's been more fun than I expected, I should have done it years ago.😊. Thanks for reading and commenting, ❤️.
