Sunday, March 14, 2021

Spring Growth

The sun has been shining this past week which is so nice for our rainy corner of the world.  The ground is drying just enough that we could run the lawn mower over it to trim the winter’s growth.  The flower beds offer hope as green shoots are poking up with promise of some much needed color.  

There is other growth happening too.  My oldest texts from her weekend job to tell me her day is going well and that she completed her quarterly self-reflection and goal setting meeting with her boss.  She got a reply from the last of the colleges that she applied to. My son helps me load yard debris into the bins and went off for his first ‘real’ (salon) haircut.  He's no longer resisting the idea of college someday. My next daughter scowled at me as we made our way through the department store looking for a hybrid first day of school outfit.  She was cheered once she was back on her phone with her friends but apologized for the sullen shopping trip. And my youngest sketched out his entry for the yearbook art contest, happy to be finding opportunities to participate in school.

Spring is on the way and with it growth.


  1. Spring is definitely in the air! I love how each of your children offered a different glimpse of growth to go along with nature's green growth.

  2. You make me optimistic just reading this. And an apology for a sullen mood- golden :)
